OXFAM-GB Handovers The Jewi Permanent Water Supply System To ANE

OXFAM-GB Handovers The Jewi Permanent Water Supply System To ANE

The OXFAM-GB run permanent water supply system of Jewi Refugee camp is handed to ANE in 2017. Since January 2017, the system was run by ANE team and staff from OXFAm as well. The official hand over was concluded in 21 February, 2017 after RRS and UNHCR has signed on the handovering document.

The system has been providing potable water supply to around 55,000 refugees residing in Jewi is now fully managed and providing the same service to the refugees and their families. In addition to providing potable water to the refugees, the plant provides an average of 14 liter of potable water every day to the nearby institution and surrounding community.

Representatives of RRS, Oxfam, ANE, UNHCR and local dignitaries in front of a water tank 2
Representatives of RRS, Oxfam, ANE, UNHCR and local dignitaries in front of a water tank

Currently the system is run by 19 independent staff of ANE managed and the service has decreased consumption of water from unsafe sources and hence the risk of water born disease infections among the refugees.

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